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Obsession with Books

Www.obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com I am an avid reader from Sydney, Australia with a love of all things book related. I love to read Young Adult (UF, Paranormal, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Contemporary and Dystopia) with the odd adult Paranormal or Contemporary romance thrown in at times. Obsession with Books was started in March 2011.
Faking It - Cora Carmack Reviews: 3 ½ out of 5 StarsFaking It is the second book in the Losing It series by Cora Carmack and is Mackenzie ‘Max’ Miller and Cade Winston’s story.Cade was Bliss’s best friend from Losing It who also fell in love with her, he is reeling from a broken heart until he meets tattooed, confident Max in a coffee shop who asks for his help to play her fake boyfriend whilst her uber conservative parents are in town – in saying this she already has a boyfriend but he doesn’t fit in with who they would want her with hence her on the spot plan to use Cade.I loved smexy, golden boy Cade, he was an absolute sweetheart but angry girl Max not so much unfortunately; she started off as a strong character but as the book progressed she came across weaker and weaker; her persona completely changed which really threw me off. The relationship was sweet and the chemistry hot, both of these characters were complete opposites but similar in the sense that they both have emotional baggage; together they were able to work through it and came to form a trust and bond that drew them closer. I liked watching the progression but not so much the denial on Max’s part on how she truly felt, she didn’t feel worthy of Cade and pushed him away constantly.The story is told from both characters POV which I always like, it was an insight into how different their lives really were and the pain both were experiencing. What let Faking It down for me was it was quite predictable, the romance and relationship was typical new adult with nothing that stood out amongst the other books in the genre – the only difference I felt was this time we have a good boy/bad girl (who isn’t really bad per se) rather than the usual misunderstood bad boy/good girl scenario. It wasn’t unique unfortunately.In saying this, I did like Faking It, it has a storyline I always find myself enjoying; Ms Carmack’s writing is entertaining, I really like the humour and dialogue she writes and despite not connecting fully with Max, I really liked Cade. It was also nice to get snippets of Bliss and Garrick from the first book and to see how their relationship has progressed.Overall, Faking It is a quick easy read and despite not enjoying it as much as the first book in the series it was enjoyable none the less. I am looking forward to the next book in the series, Finding It which is Kelsey’s story, the snippet we get at the ending of this book sounds quite intriguing.