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Obsession with Books

Www.obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com I am an avid reader from Sydney, Australia with a love of all things book related. I love to read Young Adult (UF, Paranormal, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Contemporary and Dystopia) with the odd adult Paranormal or Contemporary romance thrown in at times. Obsession with Books was started in March 2011.
Unspoken - Jen Frederick Review: 5 out of 5 starsI absolutely adored Undeclared by Jen Frederick so when I was offered an opportunity to read an advance copy of Unspoken, I jumped at the chance and literally devoured this book in one sitting.Unspoken is Beauregard ‘Bo’ Randolph’s story; a former Marine and Noah from Undeclared’s best friend. He partakes in illegal fighting, has a hair trigger temper and a bit of a reputation for being a womaniser. Bo was a witty, confident, and charming character who I completely adored, his impulsive and protective nature I found quite endearing.AnneMarie ‘AM’ West has the worst ever reputation after sleeping with a sleazebag on the lacrosse team, she has been labelled and judged so keeps a low profile to avoid the names and the stares; I honestly felt so sorry for her! But I admired her for her strength, courage and resolve.AM and Bo are in the same Biology class and it’s here where they begin to form a friendship and a trust as they are lab partners and boy oh boy did I love the chemistry and the banter between them, she was so hesitant and he was so cheeky, protective and persistent with her; I loved them together and there were a few one liners that had me giggling out loud.What I enjoyed most about Unspoken is that even though both Bo and AM undergo great emotional and personal growth, they never stop being true to themselves and to each other. Of course it doesn’t come easily but they are a couple you couldn’t help but root for. The romance is so sweet and slow to develop which I liked. It’s a wonderful tale of two broken but resilient individuals who complement each other well. The secondary characters are all written well, Ellie is an awesome best friend and I am so excited for Finn’s book (January 2014), I’m intrigued by Gray and it was also nice seeing what Grace and Noah are now up to.Jen’s writing is fluid and engaging and I was captivated by the natural dialogue and the believable characters’ interactions; it was a book I found really difficult to put down and the overall message and the subject matter I think was dealt with extremely well.Overall, Jen Frederick has done it again with a wonderfully amazing, true-to-life story that draws you in from the very beginning and doesn’t let go. A fabulous sequel!Thank-you kindly to Jen Frederick for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of Unspoken, it was truly wonderful and greatly appreciated.